Anna Ren

New Media 3D Art Graphic Design

City Smart, Cyber Smart - Cybersecurity Campaign


For 2023 "City Smart, CyberSmart" campaign for NYU IT, I crafted 40+ digital signage pieces that creatively draw parallels between navigating the NYC MTA train system and mastering cybersecurity at New York University.

>> Click here for project detail

#Adobe Illustrator
#Newsletter Illustration

USAO Poster


As the poster designer of Undergraduate Studio Art Organization, I have designed a set of poster for different events and announcement. posters were displayed in the Barney Building of NYU as well as Official Instagram of School of Steinhardt, Studio Art account.

#Adobe Illustrator

The Download


Monthly 'The Download' Newsletter graphics for NYU IT Communications.

>> Click here for more work samples

Released each month on:

#Adobe Illustrator
#Newsletter Illustration

Dance Video Youtube Thumbnail


Video thumbnails for Not Shy Dance Crew on Youtube. Hitting cumulative 2M+ views and 40K+ followers.

>> Click here for more work samples
#Color Grading

Student Tech Guide Sticker for NYU Welcome Week


Student Tech Guide Sticker for new students during the welcome week 2024. Printed 30,000+ stickers to distribute in 20+ departments.

#Adobe Illustrator
#Visual Branding

Her: Square(s) pt.1


Her: Square pt.1 revolves the concept of desire. It is featured in the show Avaritia: Desire, creating a matrix of subjects symbolizing different forms of the Seven Sin.

#Adobe Illustrator

Her: Square(s) pt.2


Her: Square pt.2 is inspired by my dreams about food and fantasy.

#Adobe Illustrator

Her: Square(s) pt.3


Her: Square pt.3 derives from my 66 days of illustration challenge. Everyday, I pick a mundae subject in life and turn it into a small illustration with imaginative color combinations, turning oridanary things into something different.
