01 Introduction
In the creation the 2023 "City Smart, Cyber Smart" campaign for NYU IT, I crafted over 40 signage pieces that creatively draw parallels between navigating the intricate New York City train system and mastering cybersecurity at New York University. Just as the MTA system, with its complex web of tracks, numbers, and bold color-coded routes, becomes second nature to those who live in the city, cybersecurity can be similarly navigated with confidence and awareness.

The campaign was tailored specifically to NYU’s unique urban environment, using visual elements inspired by the train- such as track lines, route numbers, and vibrant colors—to create a strong, relatable connection with the NYU community. By emphasizing that if you can figure out the subway, you can certainly figure out cybersecurity, the campaign resonated deeply with students and faculty, making cybersecurity concepts more accessible and actionable. This innovative approach was recognized as an exemplar in Educause's "2024 Horizon Report: Teaching and Learning Edition," underscoring the campaign's effectiveness in addressing local context while empowering the NYU community to protect their digital lives.

Visual Guide and Color Palette
02 Selected Image Gallery

Title Image of 'City Smart Cyber Smart' 2023 NYU Cybersecurity Campaign

'Is It Secure?' Series

Emoji Series

'What Even is Cybersecure?' Series